Central Salone

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Central Salone makes multi-purpose African print fashion products in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Central Salone aims is to provide jobs for Sierra Leoneans, especially women, by producing 'Made in Sierra Leone' fashion products and sell in the global market.

Central Salone makes multi-purpose African print tote bags in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Central Salone trains and employs women in Sierra Leone to produce African fashion products. Our misson is to provide jobs for Sierra Leoneans, especially women, by producing 'Made in Sierra Leone' fashion products. As of 2018, the literacy rate for women above 18 in Sierra Leone was 39.8% compared to 51.6% for men. All though there is a need for more job opportunities, lack of literacy poses barriers to filling out job applications and accessing many jobs in the formal sector, subsequently promoting poverty. The vision is to make African fashion the global fashion leader in design, manufacturing and exports. Central Salone aims to reimagine the use of African prints from traditional wear to everyday wear, increasing visibility of African fashion.

  • Tokeh Bundle
  • San Bundle

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